Content Guidelines for Firefly Magazines Submissions

Welcome to Our Writing Community! Before you begin crafting your story for submission, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with our content guidelines.
Adherence to these standards ensures a harmonious and positive experience for both our engaged local readers and contributors.

Please take a moment to read the content guidelines before writing and submitting your story.

Fostering Positivity:

  • The Heart of Our Content: At Firefly Magazines, we champion uplifting and affirmative news. Every article should embody our ethos of being informative, inspirational, and educational.
  • Language and Presentation: Please ensure your submission is written in British English, with careful attention to grammar. All content must be proofread and spell-checked before submission.
  • Originality is Key: Your content should be unique and pass duplicate content checks. While quoting or referencing is permitted, always acknowledge your sources.
  • Multimedia Elements: Include at least one image or video with appropriate captions and source attributions. Ensure all multimedia content is free from copyright restrictions. Creative Commons ( is a reliable source for copyright-free images, but do remember to credit the original creators as required.
  • Thoughtful Linking: You may incorporate 1-3 links in your articles. These should be from credible sources and align with our positive ethos, steering clear of any content related to violence, pornography, or gambling.

Best Practices for News Content:

  • Clarity and Accountability: Your content should present the author’s information, and contact details, and include datelines and bylines for transparency.
  • Balance with Advertising: Ensure that advertisements and promotional materials do not overshadow your content.


Prohibited Content and Practices:

  • Personal and Confidential Information: Respect privacy; do not share confidential or identifiable personal details.
  • Copyright Compliance: We adhere strictly to intellectual property rights and take action against copyright infringements.
  • Content Restrictions: Avoid content that is:
    • Sexually explicit.
    • Graphically violent.
    • Hateful or discriminatory.
    • Promoting dangerous or illegal activities.
    • Endorsing dangerous products or services.
    • Misrepresenting sponsored content as editorial.
  • Unacceptable Practices: Harassment, cyberbullying, deceptive behaviour, spam, and malware are strictly prohibited.


Unacceptable Practices: Harassment, cyberbullying, deceptive behaviour, spam, and malware are strictly prohibited.

Join Us in Celebrating Positive Local Stories

Firefly Magazines is the heart of positive local storytelling. We bring to light uplifting, educational, and inspiring tales from our communities. While our focus is on positivity, we value diverse narratives that offer artistic, historical, or educational insights, especially those resonating with local interests. Our content enriches public knowledge and fosters community pride. Join us in this vibrant celebration of local life and be part of a movement that cherishes positivity and unity.

Tell your story. Get published.

Easily upload your content with our user-friendly content submission form.

Submission and Publication: We welcome your press releases, stories, photos, and any engaging content you believe will resonate with our audience.


Gain insights into the impact and usage of your content with Firefly Magazines by visiting our comprehensive FAQs page.